TIM protect contatos backup

by TIM S.A.



Exclusive to TIM customersWith TIM protect contacts backup, you keep your contacts and calendars on a platform that can be accessed anytime and from anywhere.Functionalities:• Synchronize and securely stores your contacts and calendars on a trusted platform;• Allows you to save or recover your data from cell phones, computers and tablets;• In case of loss or theft of mobile, you can retrieve all your contacts with just one click.• You view your contacts in the standard Android application without duplicate information and without complication.Have a safe backup of your contacts and calendar for only $ 4.09 / month.Through MY TIM you can view all your contacts saved on the platform and more. access https://meutim.tim.com.br/See the Regulation http://www.tim.com.br/para-voce/servicos-tim/tim-protect/contatos-backup/termos-e-condicoesPrivacy Policy: http://www.tim.com.br/sp/sobre-a-tim/institucional/seguranca/politica-de-privacidade